Author: Nicole Porter, N.A. PORTER & ASSOCIATES
When a person spends time in prison, they inevitably miss out on a lot of things.
What makes this reality even harder, is when those individuals are serving time for crimes they didn’t commit.
Imagine Tammy Marquardt, who spent 13 years in prison. David Milgaard who spent 23 years in prison. Romeo Phillion who spent 31 years in prison. All for crimes they did not commit.
Take Tammy for example. Ask yourselves, what would the average Canadian woman accomplish in 13 years? These are things Tammy should have been able to do but she couldn’t, because she was serving time for a crime she didn’t commit.
Please look at the below infographic published by Innocence Canada, to gain an appreciation of what the average Canadian woman does in a 13 year period.

(the above image is accredited to Innocence Canada)
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